A Language Arts Curriculum Like No Other

Complexity is for everyone

People get smarter together

Students deserve authentic,
meaningful work
Inquiry By Design is committed to student-driven literacy marked by the reading, writing about, and discussion of content-rich, complex texts. We firmly believe that all students deserve equitable access to a rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum.
Carefully selected texts are embedded in coherent courses built on sequenced, yet independent units, designed to continually reinforce the integral relationship between reading and writing—a distinguishing feature of our work. Key concepts and skills are revisited within units, within grades, and across grades 6-12 in developmentally appropriate ways and with increasingly more difficult and complex texts and tasks.
Inquiry By Design Curriculum Features
The Inquiry By Design Cycle of Work
The Inquiry By Design Cycle of Work supports student engagement and critical thinking through research-based reading and writing strategies. This cycle helps build students’ academic mindset through deliberate stages of work – across units, across years, and across grade spans.
In our curriculum, you’ll discover…
Familiar and predictable cycles of work in all units
An increase in text and task complexity throughout the year
Multiple opportunities for formative assessment, checks for understanding, and end of unit summative assessment

The Learning Pit
Initially created in 2007 by James Nottingham, the learning pit indicates the learning journey and affect of a student. At the beginning of a new journey, a students’ affect is moderately positive, but as the journey gets more challenging, they are apt to fall into “the pit”.
By encouraging students to explore their own questions and seek answers, the learning pit can help develop a deeper understanding of the topics they are studying, as well as help develop a growth mindset.
A Balance of Voices and Experiences
Our units feature authors and texts that invite robust classroom conversation, support the intellectual work at hand, and expose students to worlds, voices, and experiences that they might otherwise not encounter.

What Educators Are Saying About Inquiry By Design